The power of positive affirmation
One of my favorite therapeutic interventions I do with my child clients is playing Coping Skills BINGO. This is a game that goes through a litany of different coping skills and allows children to think about what might work for them and what doesn’t. One of the coping skills listed is, “Say Positive Affirmations.” That last word can be a mouthful for tiny humans to say.
The simplest explanation I give is that positive affirmations are saying nice things to yourself. At the start of my therapy career (many years ago), I found a therapist online who was selling therapeutic tools related to positive affirmations. I sent her an email and told her how much I liked her materials and one day I received a large manilla envelop in the mail filled with beautiful, rainbow colored, lamented affirmation “ovals,” that I still use to this day.
I’ll ask kids to draw one out of a bag and read it aloud. These include things as easy as, “You can be sad,” to “I love who you are.” Or longer ones such as, “I love and care for you willingly,” and “Your needs and safety are important to me.” Affirmations can be used in moments of anger or sadness, or just when you want to simply express to a child how much you love them. I unfortunately have children on my caseload who never hear these things and if that is the case, it’s important they can say it to themselves instead.
These should also work for YOU (the adult!) If you’re out for a jog and not sure if you can make it up that hill? Say a positive affirmation! Having a bad day at work? Say a positive affirmation! Feeling joyous and present in the moment? Say a positive affirmation! It is quick, it is easy and best of all – it doesn’t cost a thing.
So to wrap up, I will end with another affirmation from my beautiful ovals (say it with me) – You can celebrate life!