Fostering Appreciation and Gratitude

Deepening wonder, perspective, sufficiency, healing, and connection, opening you to the joy and transformative possibilities of gratefulness. 

“It’s not happiness that makes us grateful; it’s gratefulness that makes us happy.”

- Br. David Steindl-Rast


Throughout the month of November, let’s have a focus for each day that allows us to foster deeper appreciation and gratitude.

There are no “right” or “wrong” answers or responses.  

You can do these solo or with another person, such as a partner, child, parent, or friend. 

  1. What are you grateful to have learned about yourself this past year?

  2. What are three good things you can count on happening every day?

  3. What is something you take for granted that someone else is longing for?

  4. What do you love most about where you live?

  5. What is a cultural or family tradition that you cherish?

  6. Tune into your five senses. What gifts is this sense giving to you?

  7. What’s a hard lesson you’re grateful for?

  8. What is beautiful in your immediate surroundings, right now?

  9. In what ways is life inviting you to embrace uncertainty right now?

  10. What is one of your most favorite times of day? Why?

  11. Describe a role model in your life who demonstrates gratitude.

  12. What everyday activities bring you joy?

  13. How might you be more generous with what you have?

  14. Who allows you to feel that you are enough, just as you are?

  15. What happens when you stop seeking something more, better, or different?

  16. Describe one way you are being supported by others right now.

  17. Who inspires you to be your best self?

  18. Who is no longer in your life, but your memory of them continues to deeply impact you?

  19. How will you show the ones you love that you are grateful for them today?

  20. What would you say in a letter to someone you appreciate?

  21. What anchors you during life’s storms?

  22. From whom and when have you experienced forgiveness in your life?

  23. When have you missed out on joy because you were critical?

  24. How can you embody one of your deeply held values today?

  25. Describe an experience that has strengthened your capacity to adapt in the face of adversity or challenges.

  26. What are three joys that come from being exactly the age you are right now?

  27. How might gratitude have made a difference in a recent difficult interaction?

  28. What gives you hope when you feel anxious or apprehensive about the future?

  29. Describe a time you were in a new place but still felt at home.

  30. What is one of your most sincere hopes for the beloved people in your life?

(See Holstee for additional resources on Grateful Living.) 


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